1. The purpose of polishing
As the redox reactions are repeatedly conducted, the products during the reaction will adhere to the surface of the electrode and gradually slow down the electron transfer, which enlarges the potential difference between the oxidation and reduction peak. The purpose of polishing is to remove the redox products adsorbed on the surface of the working electrode, and increase the electron transfer rate to normal.
2. Polishing steps
Put a polishing cloth on a glass pad, and give a few drops of polishing liquid on the cloth. The working electrode should be vertically placed on the cloth, and then polish it by drawing “O” or “8” shape. After polishing, wash the electrode surface with distilled water.
We provide Alpha alumina powders of three diameters: 1μm/0.3μm / 0.05μm. Use the 1μm firstly and then the smaller ones in order.
The method is applicable to the polishing of glass carbon electrode, gold electrode, platinum electrode and silver electrode etc.
CS942 Electrorde polishing kit
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