Potentiostat Use

How to install the bipotentiostat & multichannel potentiostat?

Source:Corrtest Time:2024-12-19 View:0

Models: CS2350M/CS2150M /CS310X

The installation process is the same for bipotentiostat and multichannel potentiostat

Software installation

(1) Use the Ethernet cable to connect the computer with the instrument. Power on the instrument.

(2) Open the “software installation” folder, right click the “Setup.exe”, and run as administrator.



(3) For potentiostat more than one channel, we use Ethernet communication. So there is no need to install drivers. Firstly, install the .net 3.5. If your computer has already installed it, there will be a prompt telling you don’t need to install again. If it has not been installed in your computer, just follow the steps to finish installation of .net 3.5.

(4)  Click install CS Studio6. CS Stuido6 is the testing software, and the CS Analysis is the data analysis software.


IP address configuration (Windows 10 as an example)

 Connecting the instrument (Bipotentiostat or multichannel potentiostat) with computer by Ethernet cable, you should reset the IP address of the computer.

image image

(1) Find the “Network and sharing center”


(Or image → Network and sharing center)


(2) Click “Ethernet” shown as below:


(3) Click “Properties”, then check “Internet Protocol version 4(TCP/IPv4)”


(4) Fill in the IP address exactly as below:


(5) Open CS Studio6 software, “Setup” → Connection → “Ethernet” →Manual


Please note that for bipotentiostat (CS2350M/CS2150M) and multichannel potentiostat (CS310X), the connection way must be Ethernet. You can check this point firstly in case you find they’re disconnected.

(6) When the bipotentiostat or multichannel potentiostat is successfully connected with the computer, there will be model and serial number shown on the software interface, as is shown below for multichannel potentiostat CS310X:


Cable connection


Left: Electrode cable for bi-potentiostat (CS2350M/CS2150M)

Right: Electrode cable for multichannel potentiostat(CS310X)

3- electrode system:

Greed & white alligators (WE+SENSE) connect together to your working electrode (WE);

Red alligator (CE) connects to your counter electrode;

Yellow alligator (RE) connects to reference electrode

Black (GND) connects to galvanic electrode WEⅡ in electrochemical noise experiment. If you use a Faraday cage, black GND & Shield should jointly connect to the cage.

2- electrodes system:

The green & white alligators (WE+SENSE) jointly connect to WE or Anode;

Red & yellow alligators jointly connect to another electrode or Cathode.


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