
Dr. Gaston from Cuba visited Corrtest

Source:Corrtest Time:2017-11-14 View:0
  Professor Gaston, the technical adviser of the ministry of higher education in Cuba, visited us on November 8, 2017. His visit aimed at investigating the supplier they chose for next year’s universities lab equipment(potentiostat/galvanostat) procurement, representing the Cuban government.
   Dr. Gaston was shown around our company incl. the marketing dept, the R&D dept, the production dept, the warehouse and so on. He made enquiries concerning production details, performance of products, and the application environment. He also watched the Corrtest documentary on CCTV Quality program to better know our company.
Communication between Dr. Gaston and Prof .Dong Zehua(President of Corrtest)

Dr.Gaston was getting better understanding of our products
Dr. Gaston(middle), Prof. Dong(1st from right), and general manager Mrs Song(2nd from left)
   Dr. Gaston then went to Huazhong University of Science and Technology accompanied by Corrtest staff. He visited the laboratories in School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering where many of our instruments were supplied. He watched the demonstration of experiments such as CV, EIS, and Tafel plot, communicated with our technical engineers, made records, and took pictures.

   Dr. Gaston gave very positive feedback about his visit to Corrtest, and expressed his great satisfaction of our product, service and company atmosphere. We look forward to the cooperation in the year 2018, and that Corrtest potentiostat going to universities’ labs in Cuba.  

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